Definition of uric acid pdf file

Uric acid is a natural waste product from the digestion of foods that contain purines. After this breakdown process, the uric acid travels through the bloodstream into your kidneys and most is actually eliminated through the urinary tract via urination. Uric acid is produced in the body by the breakdown of purines. High uric acid ua levels can cause gout, urolithiasis and acute and. Uric acid is a heterocyclic compound of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen with the formula c5h4n4o3. Pdf purines perform many important functions in the cell, being the formation of the monomeric. This test measures uric acid levels in blood or urine. When uric acid builds up in the body, it can cause pain and swelling known as gout. Hyperuricemia increase in 16% all causes of mortality and 39% of total cardiovascular disease 5. Uric acid is the ultimate catabolite of purine metabolism in humans and higher primates. In gout, there are frequently, but not always, elevated levels of uric acid in the blood hyperuricemia. Uric acid is oxidized by uricase to produce allatoin and hydrogen peroxide. A low purine diet means eating foods that do not have many purines in them.

It is a weak organic acid that under physiologic conditions exists mainly as a monosodium salt. The body does not use uric acid so it is usually filtered by the kidneys and taken out in the urine. High blood concentrations of uric acid can lead to gout and are associated with other medical conditions, including diabetes and the formation of ammonium acid urate kidney stones. Uric acid is the final product of purine metabolism in humans. The dxc uses a timed endpoint method to measure the concentration of uric acid in serum, plasma or urine. High uric acid may turn into crystals in the joints.

Pdf regulation of uric acid metabolism and excretion. A breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods. Uric acid definition of uric acid by merriamwebster. However, only a small portion of those with hyperuricemia will develop gout. For example, higher uric acid levels reduce the risk. Pdf diet in hyperuricemia and gout myths and facts. Uric acid definition is a white odorless and tasteless nearly insoluble acid c5h4n4o3 that is the chief nitrogenous waste present in the urine especially of birds, reptiles, and insects, is present in small quantity in human urine, and occurs pathologically in renal calculi and the tophi of gout. But when more uric acid is produced than the kidneys can get rid of, high uric acid levels known as hyperuricemia develop. But if you have certain health conditions, it can build up in your system.

Uric acid is a product produced by the body after the purines in many foods undergo the digestive process and are broken down inside the body. Uric acid, hyperuricemia and vascular diseases ncbi. The hydrogen peroxide reacts with 4aminoantipyrine 4, 5dichloroaap and 32hydroxybenzene sulfonate dchbs in a reaction. Uric acid definition and meaning collins english dictionary.

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